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About Andrew

”As a colleague, I found Andrew to be a fine listener with a sharp mind, an impressive set of skills, generosity of spirit, and a wonderful sense of humor.”

—Naomi Nemtzow, Director, Tutoring Center, Tandon School of Engineering, NYU

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So, who am I really?

Some might consider me an endangered species: a native New Yorker still living in New York City. Born in Brooklyn, I moved to Manhattan to attend college and have lived on the island ever since.


Though I started life as a viola player (and even once performed at Carnegie Hall), I’ve had many other jobs since then: I scooped ice cream at the city’s first Häagen-Dazs, kerned fonts for the designer of The New York Shakespeare Festival’s lifesize posters, and refiled misfiled catalog cards at Columbia University’s Butler Library.


In other words, I have the perfect background for a copywriter, content marketer, and editor!  (In fact, I learned my trade honestly: general assignment reporting on tight deadlines as a stringer for out-of-town newspapers.)


In the vocabulary of the business world: My work attracts website visitors and converts leads to prospects, prospects to customers, and CMOs to happy marketers. So if you’re in need of a copywriter or content marketer, I may very well be your guy.


My marketing copy sparkles like a fizzy gin and tonic on a hot August afternoon. My content marketing inspires crusades of conversions (see what I did there?). I can take case studies congealing with jargon and turn them into delectable confections. My reports and e-books have gotten demand gen and product marketers promoted, and my editing has turned authors into bestsellers.


Though I’ve specialized in B2B SaaS platforms, I can write about anything, in any format, for any market or channel. My experience includes B2C as well as B2B software, and I know my way around AI- and ML-driven technologies. I’m fearless in the face of fast-paced startups.

My ongoing non-work-related project is riding my bike across every water-spanning bridge in New York City (there are over 60). I also do The New York Times crossword puzzle daily (Wordle is for amateurs). My longest streak for completing it unaided is 203 days—I got tripped up by “Classic math puzzle.” (The answer was “TOWEROFHANOI.”) My record for the Monday puzzle is 3 minutes, 35 seconds.


And if you were wondering—yes, I look disturbingly like that avatar.

Winner: 2023 American Graphic Design Award

Graphic Design USA’s 60th Annual Competition
Andrew Miller Website AGDA23 Winner v2.jpg

Thanks to Joseph Caserto for his award-winning design for my website.
(The content is pretty darn good, too....)

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