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“Content” includes both words and design—if they don’t align, a brand’s identity gets muddled. The branding and design agencies at Atypon worked for me, and I worked side by side with the design team at Affinity. I also worked directly with the designers of some of the books I edited. 

”Andrew is an excellent collaborator. He knows how to work closely with a designer to create content that works perfectly alongside the visuals.”

—Jim Yeh, Creative Director, Affinity

Atypon brand guides
Atypon brand guidelines _full_Page_01.jpg
Atypon brand guidelines _brief.jpg

I had two brand guides developed at Atypon: a comprehensive one for the marketing team, and a stripped-down version to make our branding easier for other teams to understand and follow. The holiday cards, below, show the evolution of Atypon’s branding and the playful way we adapted it to the season.

Holiday cards
Holiday card _2016.gif
Holiday card _2019.gif
Corporate ID campaign development
B2B art direction (proposals) 8_Page_02.jpg
B2B art direction 5_Page_3.jpg
Website concept development
1. atypon_web_visual_style_v3.4.jpg
2. atypon_web_visual_style_v7.37_Page_04.jpg
3. atypon_web_final comps for developer_Page_02.jpg

The work I did with Atypon’s design agency included the evolution of the branding for a new corporate ID campaign and the redesign of the marketing website and new animations for the lettermark. Together with the design team, I then presented both rebranding pitches to management.

You can see pages from the final website here.

New product branding
6 Branding eReader

Conference presentations can become fatiguing if the decks are sloppy, wordy, or inconsistent. In addition to ensuring slides were succinct and cleanly designed, I sometimes stretched our branding playfully for presentations on new features to break up the visual monotony of a day-long conference. Here, the magnets, pirates and fortresses spoke to the issue of online content theft and how our e-reader combatted it.

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