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Corporate & Talent Marketing

”Andrew’s marketing presentations left prospects eager to learn more about Atypon, and the case study presentations he created for clients elevated their industry profile.”

—Jay Rhoderick, Principal, Bizprov

1. Atypon brochure_Page_01.jpg

This printed booklet was produced to assure C-suite clients that we’d anticipated the changing revenue models overtaking the industry and demonstrate how our technology would support those new models. Aimed at scholarly publishers, the tone is purposely academic. I framed it with quotes from famous scientists and included comments from well-known product team members to underscore our staff’s close relationships with our clients.

The sales team used these marketing slicks, produced for the US, UK, and DACH markets, as top-of-funnel introductions to our company, its philosophy, and its products.

An introductory pitch deck with a twist: This presentation was delivered in both Mandarin and English to prospective clients in Taiwan and China. It introduced publishing technology familiar to our Western clients but only just emerging in this new market, while also promoting the company and platform.

Atypon recruited in cities throughout the US and EMEA. For this talent marketing booklet, a giveaway at an Athens hack-a-thon, I used a bolder take on our branding, paired it with aspirational text, and directed a photoshoot with employees to avoid the stale taste of stock photography and connect recruits with team members staffing the booth.

Accompanying the talent marketing booklet was a self-running kiosk video loop highlighting the platform features most likely to excite software engineers, rather than customers. Onscreen explanations work better than voiceover narration in noisy conference venues.

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