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Demand & Lead Generation

”Andrew is an exceptional content marketer. His reports, guides, and blogs made a significant impact on our brand’s engagement and growth.” 

—Faizan Mehdi, Director,
Demand Generation, Affinity

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Affinity’s marketing team captured contact and lead-qualifying info upon download of these gated e-books, which were conceived of as a set and offered on webinar sign-up pages. Our markets were surprisingly tech-phobic; these assets demonstrated the advantage of our “relationship intelligence” platform over widely used but low-tech alternatives like spreadsheets by telling stories about familiar pain points.


Though there were commonalities among our verticals, the differences were substantial enough to warrant a fair amount of unique content for each e-book; the voice, photos, and terminology were also tailored to appeal to each target persona. 

You can find other top- and mid-funnel material in the Product Marketing and Sales Enablement sections of my portfolio.

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Long-form reports & data journalism
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These research reports are tentpole demand-gen content for Affinity, a fintech platform. I aligned data on industry trends with aggregated platform data to determine the business activities underlying the most successful venture capital and investment banking firms. Quotes from a diverse set of industry leaders added credence to the reports’ assertions. The content was later chunked for blog posts and LinkedIn carousels, and promoted via Twitter.  

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I produced a yearlong monthly webinar series whose goal was to deepen product usage and upsell new features of a content management platform. Because each webinar premiered live, the Q&A session that followed fostered our growing user community while raising the industry profile of clients who presented case studies. Recordings, promoted as part of a drip campaign for upcoming webinars, were offered on-demand, and these PDFs of the slide decks were offered as takeaways and downloads. 

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