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Field Marketing & Advertising

For print ads, banners, billboards, posters, and booth signage, I distilled messaging into taglines that conveyed the most information in the least amount of space. As our brand voice evolved, copy became punchier, visuals more aspirational, and messaging more conceptual rather than focused on specific products.

”Andrew has a keen eye for design and crafts well-messaged copy that engages people no matter the medium—from booth design to ads and signage.”

—Tori Busenitz, Field Marketing & Events Manager, Atypon

Posters, billboards & banners

When possible, I had posters and billboards designed at the same aspect ratio as PowerPoint slides so they could be used in pitch decks as well as trade show ads and booth signage. 

Trade show booths

At Atypon, I handled the content for three user conferences and four or five trade shows and recruiting fairs annually. They were held throughout the US and Canada as well as in Frankfurt, Munich, Athens, and London, so matching messaging to culture was always an interesting challenge. 

Magazine ads

Ads ran in industry publications as well as trade show magazine giveaways. As with all advertising, the challenge is writing tag lines and short blurbs that are both aspirational and encapsulate the overall messaging for a product or trade show.

The ad in the lower right is a prepress file. Because I handled content for conferences globally, I had my design team develop layouts that could be resized to accommodate differences in standard paper sizes.

Conference branding video

To launch the company’s rebranding, this video loop ran in between presentations at a Munich user conference. I chose photos that embraced the diversity of our clients—by gender, race, and age as well as STM specializations.

You can find more of my branding work here.

Conference welcome packet

A standard welcome packet was prepared for guests at each user conference and included with conference swag, whose messaging and design I supervised.

Kiosk loop

This product video loop ran on a trade show kiosk. The challenge was to anticipate viewers’ questions so it needn’t be presented in person. I presented the new B2B2C product (“LMS”) by enumerating challenges and benefits for each of four stakeholder personas. A product demo for each was included as well.

I chose onscreen explanations rather than voiceover narration, which can be hard to hear in noisy conference venues. 

There is another product video example here.

This video has been sped up 25% for this portfolio to make it easier to review in full.

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