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Sales Enablement

”Andrew packaged complex technology into persuasive content that dramatically improved my sales pitches and demos, and the speed at which I closed deals.”

—Jacob Wilcock, Director of Sales, Atypon

Case studies
5. Annual Reviews  _August 2019_Page_1.jpg

These eight long-form case studies were printed for field marketing, then trimmed for website copy and made available for download. Writing in tandem with each client, I moved beyond the standard challenge-solution-results formula when I could, using screenshots highlighting specific new features so that the sales and account teams could use the PDFs for upselling.

Sell sheets
Automated testing handout.jpg

These sell sheets served multiple functions. Our sales and account management teams used them for reference and for upsells; our field marketer used them as handouts for conference breakout sessions on new technologies.

You can also find case studies I wrote from customer interview transcripts here and here.

Buyers guide
Buyer_s Guide to CRMs (consulting)_Page_01.jpg

Buyers guides should do double duty for any content marketing strategy:

  • MOFU content for MQLs

  • SEO plays that steal traffic from competitors’ sites

Despite the keywords and long-tails provided by our SEO consultant threaded throughout, I kept the tone informational rather than sales-y and produced a truly useful aid for any prospective CRM buyer. This guide was one in a set of three, each with similar content but keyed to a different market.

You’ll find other top- and mid-funnel content in the Demand & Lead Gen and Product Marketing sections of my portfolio.    

Best practices guide

This best practices guide, targeted at our newest market, walked new customers and late-stage prospects through industry-specific product benefits.

See the Product Marketing section for examples of other product guides.

Presentation templates
Atypon Presentation Template _slide 4.jpg

Challenge: Combat brand degradation in presentations without funneling all content through the marketing team.
Solution: Include the sales team in template creation from the outset. I elicited their blue-sky vision for presentation templates, simplified our branding, included standard messaging, had the designer write straightforward instructions, and then conducted training in their use.


  • Well-branded pitch decks constructed by salespeople, who could easily make last-minute changes without breaking them.

  • Prospects who were impressed by how we presented our company and products.

  • More time for the marketing team to focus on marketing rather than PowerPoint decks.

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