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Rebranding Atypon to counter negative industry perceptions included relaunching its website. I replaced a rudimentary, tech-oriented site with one befitting a company whose flagship product included a website development module.


The new site speaks to product benefits, humanizes the company through photography and jargon-free language, employs named client testimonials to support the company’s credibility, and encourages exploration via straightforward navigation.


Multiple homepage heroes that change randomly provide variety for clients, who return frequently to log in to their own instance of the platform. They also enabled me to reflect the diversity of our customers on the site. Subtle animation behind each portrait lends the page further visual interest.

Choosing photographic metaphors to represent the company’s offerings kept costs down by obviating custom illustrations.

”Andrew is a skilled marketer who understands how website design and architecture play a key role in successful marketing campaigns.”

—Luka Vidoš, Senior UX/UI Designer, Vidoš Dizajn

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